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The Sacred Trinity

Friends in Southern California , great news Trinity of life Osho retreat is happening on October 15th in Fall-brook,Ca . Venue is spectacular and supportive for meditation. Lunch is included. Check out the video to get the idea about the location and the beautiful house with views.

To register and make payment fill out the google form. You are invited and please share with friends who needs meditation and shift of consciousness in these dire times.

Fill Out Google Form Here

Namaste beloved soul,
Three events in our life is the most important event in our life.
1. Birth- To be born in human body is most precious moment in human life. It is another opportunity to be liberated from this cycle of birth and death. Also birth is most traumatic event in our life which holds lots of psychological memories and blockages that needs to be looked at with love and understanding.
2. Love- Love is what binds us together , in love our ego is minimum, in love we are happy for no reason , In love fear ends. However love and relationship can be traumatic experiences that needs to be looked with love and understanding. A loving person is a meditative person and meditative person is a loving person.
3. Death - Death is the only certain thing in life. We can plan our life , go crazy planning our life and be stressed about it but death can come any time and dump all the planning. Meditation is nothing but art of dying. All fears are rooted to fear of death because we it takes away everything we are attached with it.

Friends I welcome to this special event here we will look at these three aspects of Birth, Love and death . We will also practice meditation related it.

* 3 powerful meditations - 1 hr each
* Talks/ Osho discourses
* Question/Answers
*Group healing energy

When : October 15th , Sunday 10 am -6 pm
Where : Fallbrook, Ca ,

November 4

Osho Guru Kripa (Master's Blessing)